
Today’s Mothering Chronicles…

Want to see a decline in job performance, workplace attitudes and engagement (in any organization) with women? Speak negatively about them becoming mothers and/or being mothers. Witnessed and heard of insults related to a pregnant mother being told she shouldn’t be as sick as she is and a mother who was talked about because provisions had to be made for her to breastfeed. Sad (but not surprising) part is, these insults were from other (old) MOTHERS.

The reason it’s not surprising is because women were the main ones who voted to put me and other young ladies out of church for being pregnant out of wedlock, yet weren’t checking their OLD husbands for bringing STDs home to them. These women are also probably bitter because provisions weren’t made for them during their childbearing years. AND they are the ones who voted for…nevermind.

Your organization is missing out on brilliance because your HR Offices aren’t up-to-date or your boards are full of old men who don’t know how to act when a woman has to breastfeed and/or pump. Tighten up…

*Disclaimer* Events did not take place at BCNC đź™„

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