
Today’s Work Chronicles…

February will be the end of the “Work Chronicles” from this location for a number of reasons.
1. 12 hours have been and still are difficult for me.
2. I have a teenager who has a full schedule and requires my undivided attention (whether he likes it or not).
3. Y’all want to plan all the fun events (whether I attend or not) on the weekends I work.
4. I had my evaluation and my boss said they were going to cross-train me so I won’t be sitting around bored, with nothing to do on the weekends. 🤔 Oh, so you want me to WORK WORK?
5. Healthcare has changed and will continue to change. This is ultimately a business, and businesses are only as successful as their bottomline…or the number of zeroes in the owners’ bank accounts. This facility has opted to accept “difficult to place” residents; meaning we come in contact with a myriad of diseases and personalities no other facility wants to accept. I’m all for helping people, but it is outside of my scope to babysit, counsel, be the liaison, lookout and security (as evidenced in the pic). 🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️

This is my second go round at this location (owned and operated by different folks), but not much has changed. Some Healthcare workers are lazy and don’t care for y’our’ loved ones as they should, they seemingly keep the lazy/messy employees, wear down the ones who speak out about what’s right, and racism rears it’s head and causes me to want to do something to the racists that will jeapordize my livelihood.

All in all, get your house in order. Talk to your loved ones about their healthcare, take care of your health and PUT YOUR WISHES ON PAPER IN FRONT OF A NOTARY. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

In the same health breath, I’m going to encourage you to support my other employer, Ta’Nisha Monique Cupcakes. What??? A cupcake or two or twelve (which is also known as a DOZEN) ain’t never hurt nobody. 😉

#MaybeIllJoinAChurch #ThenGoForMimosasAfterwards #AllStarCIAANBTFAreComingAndIaintGotTimeToBeAskingForTimeOff #ImSleepy

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Pa ર This is he is not not allowed inside of If you see him, CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY.'

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