Today’s “When you know better, you do better” Chronicles…
Pic 1…Offered a “laugh to keep from crying” moment when I opened my student loan statement.
My student loan statements are shown to Michai when I discuss why he is participating in the Dual Enrollment program at FTCC.
A friend discussed how Dual Enrollment wasn’t an option when we were in high school. I had to push to take the one college course I did take, and I paid college tuition. AP courses were/are what were/are pushed. Nothing against them, they just aren’t the only and most sensible option for all families.
Now that I know of another option, Pic 2 represents me trying to do better. Michai is enrolled as a part time college student, will receive college credit, complete a certification, be employable in the respective field (that will hopefully allow him to obtain the Big Al version for gross AND net) post high school graduation and the tuition and books are paid.
$456 per semester may not seem like much but, when you add interest and payments from a low income, it becomes a whole lot.
Research options that will have your kids making better choices. Understand, this route may pose scheduling conflicts since buses do not transport and, in Michai’s case, he has to leave practice early one day. Don’t let that stop you. Communicate with your village and the coaches. Thankfully our coach recognizes the athletes are students first.
Shout out to “our” (since I’m apparently in school again too) Guidance Counselor who was very thorough and made the process simple.