oday’s Work Chronicles…
Michai prayed for me to “have a good day and not be bored” and bored I am not. The phones have been ringing non-stop, my resident info is not correct so I can’t find people, alarms are going off and a PT decided to bring her pet bird (during flu season which may not be mutually exclusive but I just don’t feel like we need a bird in the building).
Then there’s my hair that I keep forgetting is green because: 1. I still haven’t fully recovered from CIAA and 2. This wasn’t the color we were shooting for so my answer all day has been, “NO, I’M NOT IRISH. NO I DON’T CELEBRATE ST. PATRICK’S DAY 🙄.” One man, who usually only says hello and goodbye, stopped and said, “Wow, I like it. Keep shocking the public.”
No church singing today, just some loud Karaoke. And if I hear one more Carolina vs Duke debate while I’m trying to watch Chicago PD (don’t worry about how I’m watching it, worry about yourself).
I feel a GoFundMe in my spirit for these student loans cause I’m tired boss.