
Today’s HBCU Chronicles…

In reference to the WFU IG post. The creator of the post is misinformed. There is no need to build a wall to make “us” pay for. The wall was built years ago. Both schools have taken strides to remove bricks, but as long as privilege and ignorance exist by the admitted students (whether they earned it or bought it), the same privilege I witness outside my mother’s front door where “they” have loud parties, urinate, leave loads of trash all for the Hispanic domestic workers to clean, the wall will remain.

I appreciate the group effort in trying to force people to pay attention to WSSU with the creation of the colorful poles hovering over 52 and the creation of Research Parkway, but racism is racism. Which is also why I don’t understand why we rush to PWIs when we know they still don’t want us there. Another conversation for another day…

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says '1:14 Vote for student body president March 26th on win Write in vote only He promises to hold He has faught fraud the Swiss and cut twice and won! prices on pitchers at He wants build shortys wall between wake winston salem state. Andhe'll make them pay for it Send message V'

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