
Last Thursday’s Gym Chronicles (inspired by a fbf’s post and sharing for the purposes of cultural sensitivity)…

We have lots of health incentives going on at one of my jobs and I tried a meditation class to help meet a goal. Ran into my mother’s neighbor and her boyfriend.

*Backstory…My mother has been living in her home since my junior year of high school and the neighbor has been living in the neighborhood longer. Which means, this neighbor has seen me graduate high school and college, and has known Michai since birth. Even though I think she’s over the top and attempts to cover for her racist boyfriend, we swap Christmas cards; some of which have included us wearing WSSU paraphernalia.*

She speaks, but not as if she knows me. Ordinarily I wouldn’t push it, but since she was in front of a group, I wanted to remind her how she knows and is neighbors with black people.

Me: Do you not know who I am?
Her: πŸ‘€ (expression as if she has a suspicion, especially since she doesn’t know that many blacks and ‘especially especially’ since we all look alike)
Me: Micha
Her: πŸ€” (since she calls me Mica)
Me: Denise’s daughter
Her: I thought that was you. Steven (the racist boyfriend) this is Denise’s daughter.
Him: πŸ˜
Her: How’s Meekhi doing in school? He’s so tall now
Me: Doing well. I’m proud of him
Her: Looking at colleges?
Me: He’s a freshman, but yes
Her: You can never start too soon. Does he want to go far or…
Me: He says he wants to remain close
Her: Oh ok. There are so many good schools in the area…there’s Forsyth Tech and Guilford…
Me: HE LIKES WSSU and we have a tour with NC A&T next month. βœŠπŸΎπŸ‘‹πŸΎ (and a little πŸ–•πŸΎ)

Now before anyone assumes FTCC and GTCC aren’t options for Michai, ask him. I’m an advocate for trades and support whatever decision he makes about his education. However, putting my degree and love for WSSU aside, she and my mother live within WALKING distance of WFU, are surrounded by new student housing, and are exposed to their parties on a consistent basis. Yet, she chose FTCC as the first option for him.

Needless to say, meditation has been a tad bit difficult for the past two weeks and that heffa ain’t getting another card.

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