
Experienced my next to last visit with my readers yesterday and it was the BEST visit this year. They were ready, engaged and excited to participate in all activities. I felt like it was an open door to do my usual pep talk about how learning to read will help keep them safe. The reader who typically shuts down said, “My momma won’t let me read.”
Me: 😳 What?
Them: She just stays in the bed all day
Me: Ok, let’s see why Dinosaurs Roar 😳😳😳

My initial thought was the mom was lazy, but later thought about how she may work 3rd shift like my mom did or even be depressed. I think I was more shocked the 5 year old recognized it. I, on the other hand, recognized how they were constantly competing with one another which aids to the whining, tears and shut downs because one of them feels they don’t measure up to the rest of their classmates.

This brings me to a forum I attended yesterday about Universal Pre-K. It’s needed. It’s needed to curtail behaviors seen when they get to Kindergarten and it’s almost too late to change them. We need to learn to stop making everything a competition with children; particularly when they may not have the same goals. Screen time was included and ehhh…I dunno. I recognize the effects but I’m also not naive to the fact that everything we use will soon have some sort of “screen” so why not help children learn balance versus removing.


Happy Baby Friday 🙂

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