
Today’s Gym Chronicles…

Because I’ve often been told how people didn’t think I am as nice as I am because I looked unapproachable, I’m glad the new people in class look to me for help (despite being the fattest and a cusser when the weights get too heavy).

What I DON’T like is people being really close. Do y’all see all the seats the person could have put their stuff on??? Yet they chose to be next to me, doing the out of breath open mouth cough and blowing their nose on the towel provided by the gym. Why?!? They were at the very front of the class so they could have chosen any OTHER chair.

Speaking of the front of class…gym instructors…you cannot guilt me into leaving the back row. I am a loner. PLUS, there are no fans up there soooo…teach the class and leave me be.

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

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