
Yesterday’s Volunteer Chronicles…

It was the end of year ice cream social with all the readers and volunteers. The ice cream was late so all the kids were antsy. To kill time, they allowed a volunteer to walk a trained dog (may have been a therapy dog) through the cafeteria for people to pet. Before y’all call PETA, someone in my family has had a dog all my life, so I’m not anti-dog (and this is not equivalent to white people saying they have one black friend so they can’t be racist). I’m anti allowing kids to pet a shedding dog in a place where food is consumed and they are getting ready to use their hands to consume the food.

Had to take one of my readers out because a little boy rubbed all the dog hair from his hands onto her and she was livid. I asked him to apologize and she settled down. But because we moved, we lost our seat so we had to go from the kindergarten table to the 3rd grade table and boy did things get interesting. A boy was winking at a little girl he liked and when she told him it made her uncomfortable he said, “I have something in my eye making me wink.” Pic 1 represents my expression to him.

At the same table was an older, hard of hearing couple who faithfully volunteers and proves why I keep asking some of y’all to volunteer. When the kids were getting ice cream I noticed the husband talking to the coordinator. Coordinator came back and said office called the reader’s class and they said he has been gone a while so I guess he’s wandering around the school. She then asks the kids at the table if they had seen the little boy? They looked so confused and yelled, “HE’S RIGHT THERE!” The man had volunteered with this little boy all year but didn’t recognize him sitting RIGHT NEXT to him the entire time. The reader could have gotten in serious trouble for not being where he was supposed to be even though he was where he was supposed to be.

Pic 2 is of my gift from the students

On this beautiful, “warm”, and traffic filled Saturday, allow me to remind you to not block intersections. That only causes bogarding and road rage (not by me of course ðŸ™‚).

Enjoy this Holiday Weekend, but tread lightly cause, “The judge won’t be back until Tuesday!”

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