
Today’s Community Events/Life Chronicles…

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Yesterday’s travel was ridiculous. Started the day at the barbershop. Family Services hosted an early morning meeting located at Goodwill. It was an update about where we are with Universal Pre-K. Took Michai to his final day at CyberTech at FTCC sponsored by Crosby Scholars’ AAMPED (which is housed at Goodwill). Went to work and left to go back to FTCC to listen to Michai’s presentation about all he learned from the week where I also learned he’s not going to be the scientist like his father because he skipped over dissecting an unborn pig. Also learned about all the opportunities (=$$$) in the CyberTech field. Went back to work, took Michai to practice, went BACK to FTCC for Forsyth Promise’s outstanding presentation and panel discussion about adolescent mental health. Went back to get Michai from practice, only to get home and not be able to fall asleep.

Today started off better only to learn I’ve been working hard at my day job but dropping the ball tremendously at the bakery. Thankfully “Cupcake Boss” is understanding, but…I gotta get back to my organized self. Outside of being working women, we are mothers. That means our schedules conflict, and when they do, the village arises. Instead of paying Uber, I paid my Uber friend to transport Michai and his grandparents will pick him up. While Cupcake Boss attends her daughter’s camp closing, I set up vending at LEAD’s Zumba event where we currently reside.

Y’all, the stars have been misaligned all week, but I’m grateful to have another opportunity to get it right. Oh, and a little ETOH won’t hurt. 🍸 Cheers to starting over! 🥂

Before I forget…I told y’all about all the informational/educational events from yesterday because they were FREE and they offered FREE MEALS. Not finger food, MEALS. Michai has eaten better than me all week! Y’all better get your black sons signed up…

Ok, bye!

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