
Today’s Work Chronicles…


Guess who is the weekend supervisor? The supervisor that is only supposed to be here 4 hrs but was here 8. The supervisor who doesn’t sit down and pushes people, who are three times her size, in wheelchairs when she has knee problems. The supervisor who defuses touchy situations between family members and staff because she thinks all 100+ residents are her family. The supervisor who keeps reminding me of my dream of owning a nursing facility and I keep reminding her I gave that dream up long time ago because I will do to employees what they do to residents and will end up in jail. The weekend supervisor is Denise James and she WORE.ME.OUT! She had to tell me how to do stuff (as if I don’t do it when she’s not here), she was in and out and up and down AND I’m not going to tell y’all what she said when I tried to call her Denise. I mean, I don’t think ‘Ma’ is professional. (Y’all pray she leaves on time tomorrow)

SPECIAL SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT TO WOMEN (particularly white women). I avoid telling people how to spend their money, and I know curves are “in” BUT, if you’re going to buy some, i.e. transfer fat from your waist to your rear, spend enough money to not look like you’re sitting on two kickballs. You look uncomfortable. 🤦🏾‍♀️

Moving on…
I thought the full moon was Thursday but these residents act like it’s tonight. It seems like they all have cell phones and because they don’t want to wait on staff after they use their call bells, they call me to ask me to go find the staff and tell them to come to their rooms, OR tell me the person in the room NEXT DOOR needs help.

Supervisor on duty and I decided to let an ‘alarmed’ resident go outside. Supervisor left, I was going to check on him before I went to lunch but a frantic family member said, “ma’am we need some HELP.” Discovered said resident on the other side of the building trying to get his wheelchair on the curve. After I helped him and told him it wasn’t safe, he was so ashamed and made me promise not to tell anyone I met the “stupidest man in seven states.” I affirmed he wasn’t stupid and promised not to tell (so that means y’all can’t tell 🤫).

Went to check on one resident and his roommate told me someone was going to have to help him cause, “I got this boil on my butt and it hurts. It ain’t no small one neither. It’s about this big.” Just know his description grossed ME out and I have a nursing degree.

As I close, because I have to get caught up on FIFA, I went from Margaret to Tanisha to Mica (they’re getting closer). I admonish all of us to continue striving to be holistically healthy. It pains me to see people lose their independence and it pains me even more when I witness the stages of dementia and the person knows their mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be.

6 months down, 6 months to go…don’t exist, LIVE!

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