
Today’s Football Chronicles…

It is time…

I’m not going to be chronicling all season but wanted to give y’all the scrimmage. I was a tad bit emotional because of how much these kids matured from last year. I love to see how they bond and push one another to do their best. They are respectful when I talk to them and it makes me so proud. Proud to see classmates who are coaching all over the city. Coach from Asheboro saw my WSSU shirt and wanted to talk about baseball being dropped. My rebuttal was so strong he asked, “Do you work for them?”
Me: No, an alum who would love for you to donate since you think we could have found money to keep the program.
Him: 🚶🏾‍♂️🚶🏾‍♂️🚶🏾‍♂️

Now to the game…

There were two and Tabor played last. I understand Mallard Creek was delayed because of I-85. Half their students must play football and they were HUGE as seen in Pic 1 (you can’t see their size, but trust me, they are eating well in Mecklenburg County).

When I walked in the stadium, I felt the competitiveness return. I sat as high as I could so I could live out the competition without offending anyone, but because so many people were there, I was surrounded. I tried being quiet, but people still heard me, particularly when I said, “The refs must be scrimmaging too because the players are going to be in the bleachers before they blow the whistle.” 🙄

Video 1…the team put their practice to work and I’m excited about the season

Pic 2…They have been friends since 5th grade when neither of them had much hair. They will compete against each other midseason and I’m sad. Don’t ask me why Michai’s mouthpiece is pink.

Pic 3…Refs didn’t look like that when I was at the field with my daddy as a little girl. I don’t remember fit bodies and tattoos. 👀

Now to my prayer warriors. Y’all aren’t praying on your knees…
Much like me, Michai despises being embarrassed, and said he did what he had to do to prevent it during the scimmage…
Me: How did the headband work out Rambo? (Purchased it to prevent skin irritation on his forehead)
Him: 🤣 it was fine but my head hurts
Me: It was too tight
Him: No, it’s from headbutting all night
Me: Why did that happen? You may have a concussion
Him: I’m fine mom, but I was not about to get thrown all over that field so I did whatever it took to keep him in check
Me: Whaaattt?!? So this was intentional? Your strength is in your legs. Squat and get off the line quicker…
Him: That sounds good, but I watched film on him. His kickstep is crazy and he’s a 3-star so that wasn’t going to work. If he got to my chest, he was going to lift me up and sling me around in front of all those people and that was not about to happen.
Me: 🤔 I don’t know what a kickstep is, but I’m sure there was a better way. What did your coaches suggest?
Him: Use my speed and again, that sounds good, but it wasn’t going to work with him. I made it work
Me: But your head hurts
Him: I’ll be alright, he didn’t tackle me and that’s all that matters
Me: 🤦🏾‍♀️

Image may contain: 1 person, stadium and outdoor


Image may contain: 3 people, people standing, beard and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people, people playing sports, stadium and outdoor

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