
Today’s Work Chronicles…

Resident came up and said, “Oh you’re not *****, is she not working today?” Me in my head, “Apparently not, if I’m here,” but in real life my response was šŸ˜. She complained because it was noon and a CNA hadn’t made her bed and said, “but she had time to walk up and down the hall.” Me in my head again, “If you had time to WATCH her walk up and down the hall then you had time to make your own bed,” but in real life I explained that patient care supercedes “chores,” which she should know since she was a nurse. She then went to the hospitality room (created for guests) to get snacks. Another resident came up and she said (with her winter coat on), “go on in there and help yourself to some snacks.” Lady, they are not your snacks to offer.

Another resident was upset with his former roommate’s family and called them racist. He was gossiping about his thoughts that the daddy was dating the son’s (who is the resident) girlfriend. I said, “But the daddy has a girlfriend.” He said, “The daddy has a WIFE, and she looks like an old baseball glove that’s been left outside for 18 summers.”

Despite me pronouncing my name for people who were reading my badge I was still called “Micah” and a resident renamed me “Blondini.”

Football season has worn me out and it hasn’t even gotten started good. In the words of a good friend, “Continue to pray my strength in the Lord that He will have me to be what He wants me to be in these last and evil days.”

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