
Today’s Work Chronicles…

I worked a college resume drive and, in the words of my sister, “I’m in a tizzy.” I am flabbergasted at the lack of preparation, lack of desire, and lack of interest in students creating a resume and receiving feedback from companies who are actively recruiting. Excuses about why they weren’t attending…
•They saw the e-mail but didn’t read the details. “When is it?”
•They won’t read e-mails unless it’s about a party or comes from their professors
•They receive too many e-mails so they don’t take time to sift through them.

I need y’all to help me understand what the word is at your place of employment. Are resumes still reviewed or are people getting hired based on referrals? I need to know because I’m not prepping Michai for something he doesn’t need. Pic 1

Many of the students who came in the office, only came because they were advised their work study would be cancelled. What do you mean they have to be threatened about money being retracted in order for them to take advantage of the opportunity? Oh, and one said she didn’t want to work in a certain department because, “It’s too far to walk and it’s hot outside.” Whhhaaattt?!?

Please pray for me, on your knees, because I go back Thursday…

Image may contain: possible text that says 'You cannot raise your children the way your parents raised you. Because your parents raised you for a world that no longer exists'

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