
Today’s Work Chronicles…(the full moon edition)

Worked evenings last week so I could go to the WSSU game last night and for what? The game took my energy and my curls.

Told Michai to call me by noon so we could go over the things he needs to do to prep for the week. Had to call him and ask why he didn’t meet the deadline? He said, “I woke up and the thought of doing it made me tired so I went back to sleep.”
Me: The thought of calling me?
Him: Not calling you but…well yeah calling you.
Me: Michai
Him: I would have had to roll over and get the phone and it was just too much at the time.
Me: That’s just lazy

We had two birthday parties, one filled the entire dining room. It also included two dogs, both of which sat on the laps of humans and ate off their plates. Now, before animal lovers try and pop off. 1. I like dogs 2. They can eat off your plate at YOUR house, but not at a nursing facility.

Speaking of the party, there were a lot of people coming in and out and a resident was sleeping AND snoring in his wheelchair directly in front of where people sign in. He had a gown on and it was stained with food. I didn’t want to tell him to leave so I hinted for him to go outside.
Him: I can’t, I don’t have pants on
Me: *Hint #2* You have a stain on your gown. Go back and let them change it
Him: *flicks the food particle on the floor* No, it’s ok
Me: *tired of hinting* But it’s not, so go back and let them change it
Him: ♿

Resident: Boy, those are some loud pants you have on
Me: Does that mean you like them?
Resident: Maybe if I had a pair I would

Visitor: You so pretty
Me: Thank you. May I help you?
V: I’m waiting on my eyes to clear so I can read this paper. You’re blinding me with your beauty.
Me: 🙄 You say that EVERY TIME I see you.
V: 😧 Where you know me from?
Me: CHURCH and you know my momma. Denise James/Fulton
V: Oh yeah, the lady that used to work at the doughnut place

He was saying so many things I told him, “goodbye” at least 5 times, but ultimately he was there to visit someone we could not locate.
V: How will I find him if his own sister sent me out here and she doesn’t know where he is?
Me: 🤷🏾‍♀️
V: That ain’t the worst part. The worst part is she’s a PREACHER TOO. Ok, I’m gone…BYE 🤣😂🤣

About the picture…my sissy pooh came up here to celebrate our mother’s birthday and I snuck away to meet them. Always good times and always an appreciation for what is because we are well aware of what could be.

This month escaped us and, because the fair is here, this year seemingly escaped too. Make the best out of what’s left…

Image may contain: 3 people, including Denise James and Dina Goddard, people smiling

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