
Today’s Work Chronicles…

I had a Healthcare Day committee meeting with Leadership Winston-Salem and joined the Mental Health subcommittee because I still don’t think many realize how much mental health affects every other type of health.

Working at the facility and a transportation driver drops a resident at the front desk. The resident chews paper towels. Putting that aside, I’m trying to figure out and have asked my mother numerous times, “WHO IS SUPPLYING HIM WITH PAPER TOWELS?” He then says, with only him and I in the area, “Now I got to find somebody to take me to my room.” I take him to his room, only to learn his room is the host of the Norovirus.

My mother asked me why I even came to work because she asked me if the man I took on a tour agreed to admit his 105 year old mother? I told her I told him, “If I may be honest and offer my professional opinion…find another facility.” 🤷🏾‍♀️

As always…it’s flu season so please cover your mouths and wash your hands. Take care of your pets because I promise there are fleas in here. I will forever fight for equity and realize that makes some folks uncomfortable but such is life (for another chronicle at another time). Y’all are not praying for me on your knees or your prayers aren’t getting through because Michai is a true teenager and is wearing my nerves. 🤦🏾‍♀️

A lady just came up to yell, “HELLO!!!”

I show my face, “Ok, I’m just seeing who is here tonight. I’m going to bed.”

Apparently I wasn’t who she wanted to see…

How have y’all been? Y’all been minding your business?

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