
Today’s HBCU/Homecoming Chronicles…

We learned of the school system’s decision to not approve a mandatory African-American History class this week, but they did approve inclusion courses. I have thoughts on that, but for a later chronicle. Many people responded with, “Teach your children at home.”

I agree because I was disheartened by some of the statements from the senior football players, cheerleaders and band members about their post high school plans at Friday’s Senior Night. Many statements read, “They would like to go to ‘xyz’ (HWCU) University, or they would like to attend a HBCU.” NO NO NO, HBCUs shouldn’t be an option or…”If I don’t get into the HWCU of my choice, I’ll go’on over to the little ole black school”; HBCUs should be the first and only choice particularly for black students. There were also some majors mentioned that I don’t think exist or they don’t exist at the schools they spoke of attending. Be realistic with your kids and if you don’t know, use their Guidance Office, Crosby Scholars, AAMPED, or Black Achievers to assist. I told Michai to start writing his statement now, but I’m praying y’all’s prayers get through so he can get to his senior year because he’s exhausted me this first quarter.

Pic 1…Different year, same sentiments.

Despite WSSU’s chancellor’s (y’all know who my chancellor is) inability to make needed decisions in a timely manner, his questionable choice of style (specifically footwear and I pray he didn’t wear those “Jordan’s” in front of Michael Jordan), his love for happy photographs but disdain for taking credit when poor choices are made, despite Michai’s discussions of his school of choice and despite me being in Greensboro last night and tonight…I still would rather…you can read the shirt for yourself.

Pic 3…Different year, same sentiments x2
Know your limits 😉

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Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, meme, possible text that says 'HOMECOMING WEEK!!!!! FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY Pm already here'

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