
Tonight’s Foolishness/Work Chronicles…

My mother is in the office behind me so I can’t cuss.

Pics 1 and 2…Please explain how in the he…ck you post a job after the lady has been hired (BEHIND CLOSED DOORS), signs her contract, has a press conference (where she recited the wrong motto, but who’s judging?) and has a start date of January 1? It’s election season, so can we PLEASE elect a new Chancellor? Apparently he’s close to retirement and has checked out, so may we please give him his retirement dinner and help him on his way, cause this is beyond embarrassing? He lies (tells stories because lie is a cuss word in our family), is not transparent and spends more time focusing on the perfect camera angle than taking responsibility for the University, i.e. hiring a football coach and selecting a Homecoming date.

Work Chronicles…

Hospital calls for Vent patient to return but doesn’t know what ambulance system to use because not all systems transport Vents. Called nurse…
Me: Patient went to ER and is ready to return. What ambulance system was used to send him out?
Nurse: I don’t know. I guess 911 came and got him.

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