12.24.2019 part 2

Today’s WSSU MSEN Volunteer Chronicles cont’d/Work Chronicles…

The sweet family in Pic 1 were so happy there was a Dewey’s Store that wasn’t crowded. They were our largest sale with purchasing 10 sugar cakes and the little lady was ecstatic to get her gift of cookies.

Work Chronicles…

They must have sensed I was going to have a few hours alone, so they called and asked if I could come in. Pic 2 represents the gifts I received from a CNA I’ve never seen before and a family member.

I have been asked again for a phone book (happens every 90 days).

A visitor came in saying he didn’t think I had time to listen to how he was feeling. I told him how much time I had to listen, but advised I don’t get paid to help. He came back on his way out and I said, “You made it.” He proceeded to sing, “Never would have made it…” off-key. He asked me if I sang? I told him, “No, but I can hear.” I told him about my time singing with a group after being put out of church. He asked what church ostracized me? Then said, “Well I guess they can ostracize you when pastors are getting divorced and remarried in the same year and the new wife is who he cheated on the old wife with.” 😳😱

A man calls every night to speak to his girlfriend. He walked here to catch a cab with her back to his house for Christmas. Nurse didn’t bother to ask how long she would be gone to know if they needed to send meds with her. Boyfriend becomes increasingly frustrated because cabs won’t show up, she doesn’t have meds after he told her two days ago to be ready, and she fell going to get the meds. He cursed her out and she told him to leave her here. I yelled and said, “I AGREE! That’s inappropriate and she doesn’t need to be treated that way.” Told nurse, who said, “Oh yea? Oh okay.”

Learned about a resident who struggled to die because family didn’t want them to have meds. READ THIS CLEARLY…Refusing meds for your “loved one” in their dying stage is A B U S E!!!!!!!! People already struggle to live, you should NOT make them struggle to die.

This is why I tell you to PUT YOUR WISHES IN WRITING! I will lose my job if I have to watch someone die uncomfortably…🤷🏾‍♀️

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, eyeglasses and indoor
Image may contain: food

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