
Today’s Black Women Chronicles… Sent to me by a villager who has been listening to my frustrations. They sent it at the same time I saw Pic 2 in my memories. There’s more to this, stay tuned…

12.12.2019 part 2

Tonight’s Reading Chronicles cont’d… I should have known Tiffani would have a STEM career because she was the only one, at our table in Physics class at Mt. Tabor, who was CONSISTENTLY engaged and excited about class. Derek was always getting on my nerves, Brooks was busy laughing at Derek getting on my nerves; we… Continue reading 12.12.2019 part 2


Tonight’s Education/Equity/Reading Chronicles… You never know who’s watching. Kris Cox, Executive Director of ReadWS, has been paying attention to me for a little while. We’ve had lunch where she’s encouraged me to blog or write a book (as she did again tonight). She invited me to her event scheduled for tonight. I told her I… Continue reading 12.12.2019


Today’s HBCU/MSEN/Volunteering/Life Chronicles… We’re baaacckkkk…working at the WSSU MSEN Dewey’s Holiday Store. It was a pleasure to work with the two on the right. The young lady with the bright smile made my heart so full when I learned of all her accomplishments in the Early College Program. Her mother (and father), who is standing… Continue reading 12.11.2019


Tonight’s Foolishness/Work Chronicles… My mother is in the office behind me so I can’t cuss. Pics 1 and 2…Please explain how in the he…ck you post a job after the lady has been hired (BEHIND CLOSED DOORS), signs her contract, has a press conference (where she recited the wrong motto, but who’s judging?) and has… Continue reading 12.10.2019


Today’s Work Chronicles… Resident calls me:Resident: Yes, I’d like to make a collect callMe: πŸ˜³πŸ€”πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€”πŸ˜³πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€”πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜³Me: I don’t know if that option exists. What number are you trying to call?Resident: I’ve been doing it all week and the operator helped me. I don’t have the number that’s why I’m calling collect. I’m sorry to make you work… Continue reading 12.09.2019


Today’s Football Chronicles… I witnessed one of THEE MOST poorly officiated games in my history of spectating during last night’s game between East Forsyth and Grimsley. My dad was/is a ref and I always wanted to be one so I am sensitive to the job they have. Many are still learning. Even though there is… Continue reading 12.07.2019


Today’s Human Relations Chronicles… I have not read a book more intently, as quickly or with as much emotion (probably because I simultaneously read The Son Does Shine) as Just Mercy. I am so happy Bryan Stevenson is alive to witness the gift I know Michael B. Jordan and Jaime Foxx will offer. This will… Continue reading 12.05.2019


Today’s Work Chronicles… It is typically quite difficult to get anyone to answer on either of the units after 5p. A resident mishandled one of the cordless phones and you could hear numbers being dialed throughout the entire facility. All of sudden, people (who can never be found when hospitals or labs call) from both… Continue reading 12.04.2019


Yesterday’s Financial Literacy Chronicles… I saw the attached article on Kismet’s page and began sharing it and/or asking people if they had an estate plan. I started talking to Michai about my wishes and that, although I don’t have much property, I want to make sure he doesn’t end up having to fight in court… Continue reading 12.03.2019