
Today’s Parenting Chronicles… Up until 8th grade, my mother used to keep Michai every Wednesday offering me mid-week respite. My weekly respite now comes from 30 minutes of Meditation at the Y. Listen, I know the Y is a Christian organization, but pairing meditation with a little wine won’t hurt. Ok, I’m back. Michai is… Continue reading 11.21.2019


Today’s WSFCS Superintendent Listening Session Chronicles… I thought I would be listening to Dr. Hairston discuss her plans for the district. Had I known she was going to be listening to the audience, I probably wouldn’t have gone because these events can be awkward. Dr. Hairston can talk, but she was “talking good” and differently… Continue reading 11.20.2019


Today’s High School Chronicles… Mount Tabor offers a forum series and tonight’s session was about Mental Health. Great information was offered, most of which I already knew from previous discussions or learned about from experience. What was startling to learn is how young students have been found vaping (3rd Grade) and how the CBD edibles,… Continue reading 11.19.2019


Today’s Community Chronicles… It has taken me 24 hours to get my mind together after attending the “Dismantling the Benefits Cliff” session where I participated in a simulation involving real financial situations families (mine included) in our community faced/face (insert a comma where you see fit). A few things discussed that alerted me: •It’s very… Continue reading 11.13.2019


Today’s Work Chronicles… I need a drink and a nap… Yesterday, I listened to my mother discuss how she was treated while helping a recently discharged and disabled resident obtain his meds from the poisonous Wal-Mart Pharmacy. Today, I was faced with a resident calling close to 6p (meaning it was dark) to say he… Continue reading 11.11.2019

11.11.2019 part 2

Today’s Parenting Chronicles continued… Shout out to Cheryl Crisp Parquet who offered this 21-Day challenge. Full transparency…the team started the challenge on November 1st, I was supposed to start November 4th. Well, Homecomings and stuff happened so I started today and will probably finish today. Do the challenges with your children because this is how we continue… Continue reading 11.11.2019 part 2


Today’s Adventure/Football Chronicles… Michai had an 8a appointment and I had a 930a appointment to get my car serviced. Times are important because we were out late at the game last night and neither of us are morning people. We were sitting in the waiting area and the couple in Pics 1 and 2 decided… Continue reading 11.09.2019


Dear Elwood Robinson, If there were no funds for the football team to stay off campus Friday night, if positions are not being filled due to lack of funding which is causing current employees to be overworked, if there is no money for raises, if the Advancement office has been beg…I mean asking for $1… Continue reading 11.07.2019


Today’s HBCU Chronicles/2020 don’t… I accepted the invitation from WSSU’s Senior Woman Admin in Athletics to have lunch with student athletes from Fayetteville State, Shaw and WSSU prior to participating in a Career Fair. I had an OUTSTANDING time. They kept me entertained, they educated me and helped me better my skills. Competition was put… Continue reading 11.06.2019


This Weekend’s Homecoming Chronicles… Yesterday:•I know I am an avid Bobz wearer when I stalk Janel to see when she sets up for the Vendor Fair so I can go early•I needed them for the bus trip to Chapel Hill. It was a party bus, but ONLY ON A HBCU party bus will you have… Continue reading 11.02.2019