Today’s HBCU/Homecoming Chronicles… We learned of the school system’s decision to not approve a mandatory African-American History class this week, but they did approve inclusion courses. I have thoughts on that, but for a later chronicle. Many people responded with, “Teach your children at home.” I agree because I was disheartened by some of the… Continue reading 10.27.2019
Author: michaismom04
Today’s Work Chronicles…. IT’S OPEN ENROLLMENT SEASON!!! I hope you’re reading your e-mails from your HR departments so you’ll know which benefits to choose. I had the option of working the main campus of the privileged school located up 52N, or their Charlotte location. I opted to work main campus since it was local and… Continue reading 10.22.2019
Today’s Work Chronicles… I had a Healthcare Day committee meeting with Leadership Winston-Salem and joined the Mental Health subcommittee because I still don’t think many realize how much mental health affects every other type of health. Working at the facility and a transportation driver drops a resident at the front desk. The resident chews paper… Continue reading 10.09.2019
Rev. Dr. Carlton A.G. Eversley
Today’s Education Chronicles… I had three favorite/memorable professors at WSSU…Dr. Soncerey Montgomery Speas encouraged me to write, Dr. Don Kautz was a fair nursing professor who cared about all people and who I recently spoke with because he works with Rev. William Barber’s Poor People’s Campaign, and there’s Dr. Carlton Eversley. From the day I… Continue reading Rev. Dr. Carlton A.G. Eversley
09.06.2019 part 2
Today’s Chronicles cont’d… Football/Parenting…The team took a loss last night on and off the field. Off the field Michai learned some valuable lessons. He finally recognized the responsibilities attached to being a leader and how he can’t hype the team up before the game but be a poor sport during and after the game. He… Continue reading 09.06.2019 part 2
Today’s (Yesterday’s) HBCU, Football, Parenting Chronicles… HBCU…I returned to the Resume Drive yesterday where there were so many students, they had to be turned away and asked to come back today. Students were much more prepared, engaged and excited about their next steps. I still don’t agree with this generation’s expectations but I don’t get… Continue reading 09.06.2019
Today’s Work Chronicles… I worked a college resume drive and, in the words of my sister, “I’m in a tizzy.” I am flabbergasted at the lack of preparation, lack of desire, and lack of interest in students creating a resume and receiving feedback from companies who are actively recruiting. Excuses about why they weren’t attending…•They… Continue reading 09.03.2019
Today’s Holiday Chronicles… There are pros and cons to being single. Pro: When I’m gifted a single event ticket, I can just go. My body is tired but I’m glad I pushed myself to attend because I am a music fan…Video 1. This event has also confirmed I’m not a fan of scatting; it makes… Continue reading 09.01.2019
Today’s AAMPED (African American Males Pursuing Educational Dreams) Chronicles… I’m not going to fuss…I’m not going to beg. I am going to say I am disappointed in the lack of participation of African American males in grades 6-12. They have funding, that I’m sure doesn’t come easy, to offer programs specific to OUR young men,… Continue reading 08.28.2019
Today’s Weekend Chronicles… I’m all about traveling. I’m even more about traveling to celebrate life over scrambling to plan travel for a funeral. I blocked my calendar months ago to attend this milestone celebration because even though Kameka and her sister left me at the Von Braun Center years ago (last night’s story reminded me),… Continue reading 08.18.2019