
Today’s Gym Chronicles… Because I’ve often been told how people didn’t think I am as nice as I am because I looked unapproachable, I’m glad the new people in class look to me for help (despite being the fattest and a cusser when the weights get too heavy). What I DON’T like is people being… Continue reading 05.22.2019


Today’s “Operation Pop Up” Chronicles… I didn’t think I would have to go at all this year, but the PowerSchool report received yesterday said otherwise. Michai had a face of disgust when I walked in the class and after I told him I would be staying all day. When we made eye contact, I blew… Continue reading 05.21.2019


Today’s Continuing Education Chronicles… I’ve run out of time and curriculum so I’ve opted for weather courses. They are very interesting and no one student is trying to take over. However, I’ve had to listen to someone open all these tootsie rolls for the 3rd time. Twice Monday, today, and from what they said, they’ll… Continue reading 05.15.2019


Today’s End Of The Year Parenting Chronicles… Michai logged on to his school account from my phone so I get a notification anytime he goes on Google docs. This came today. He has always been literal and also very honest about things he’s passionate about. Global Warming is one of those things and he somehow… Continue reading 05.14.2019

05.10.2019 part 2

Today’s Volunteer Chronicles Part 2…(Pastor Edition) I forgot to tell y’all this. My mother told us to never walk out of a store without our products in a bag because: 1. You don’t want people to think you’re stealing and 2. You don’t want people to know what you have Well, we pulled up on… Continue reading 05.10.2019 part 2


Today’s Volunteer Chronicles… Ya girl (🙋🏾‍♀️) ain’t as young as she used to be. I am typing this while the soles of my feet are deciding if they will allow me to use them ever again. Stay with me though because I have a lot to say and I promise, if you don’t learn something… Continue reading 05.10.2019


Today’s Education Chronicles… On a day when I would normally meet with my students, I sat in a room with other volunteers to celebrate the close of another reading season. Was encouraged by the two people who sat at my table as we discussed the highs and lows of being a volunteer. One discussed how… Continue reading 05.09.2019


Today’s Education Chronicles… My student’s were so engaged today on our FINAL day together. Against my better judgement, I took them some cupcakes and I’m glad I did because they earned them. It was my mother’s idea so I guess mothers DO know best. While working on their activity, we needed some REAL glue so… Continue reading 05.02.2019


Today’s (A Whole Lot Of Stuff) Chronicles… Attended the AHA Go Red Luncheon. While it was quick, it was very informative! Nurse Valda sprinkled so much intentional and unapologetic Black Momma Magic in that room. She talked about there being 365 days in a year, 1,440 minutes in a day and 23,040 breaths taken in… Continue reading 05.01.2019


Today’s Football Mom Chronicles… In the event your 8 years with your current mattress has expired, here’s your opportunity to purchase a BRAND NEW (I don’t even know why this has to be stated because it should be against the law to sell used mattresses…has anyone watched Dateline?) Mattress Firm mattress at the non-Mattress Firm… Continue reading 04.30.2019