
Today’s Work Chronicles…(the full moon edition) Worked evenings last week so I could go to the WSSU game last night and for what? The game took my energy and my curls. Told Michai to call me by noon so we could go over the things he needs to do to prep for the week. Had… Continue reading 09.23.2018


Today’s (Evening) Work Chronicles… Prior to getting to work, I had the opportunity to share my WSSU MSEN experience. I should have known my mentor, who’s responsible for the opportunity, would be snapping away. I’m kind of glad he did because it displays a portion of my passion for equity, education and equitable educational opportunities.… Continue reading 09.18.2019

Mary Cannon Willis Fulton

Winston-Salem 08/19/1927 – 03/25/2016 “For God has not given us the spirit of fear but He’s given us love and power” In the early morning of March 25, 2016, Mary Cannon Willis Fulton, relinquished her fears and allowed herself to safely rest. She was the last child born to William Ranzer and Sadie Carina Willis… Continue reading Mary Cannon Willis Fulton

Categorized as Memorials


Today’s Work Chronicles… Resident came and asked when the podiatrist would be back? I didn’t hear her at first so then she said, “the man who can look at my BIG TOE.” I told her, “September 4th which is next Tuesday.” She says, “TUESDAY? That’s bingo day and I like bingo better than I like… Continue reading 08.26.2018


Today’s Work Chronicles… Y’all clearly didn’t “Pray for me to be what the Lord would have me to be in these last and evil days.” I walked in the building and said to myself, “Self” Self said, “Huh?” It feels like a full moon type day… Resident asked for two peppermints (that my mother supplies)… Continue reading 08.25.2018


Today’s Work Chronicles… Resident came up and said, “Oh you’re not *****, is she not working today?” Me in my head, “Apparently not, if I’m here,” but in real life my response was 😐. She complained because it was noon and a CNA hadn’t made her bed and said, “but she had time to walk up… Continue reading 08.11.2018

August 4, 2018

Weekend Chronicles…*Graduation Edition* I’ve been up since 4am because I was super excited to capture this moment!!! My sister has been talking about obtaining a degree for years. She would start, get distracted, stop and start again. Her husband retired from the Army and decided to finish his degree so she opted to join him.… Continue reading August 4, 2018

August 1, 2018

Gym Chronicles… Please do NOT set up equipment for FOUR of your friends who are habitually tardy, half-ass the workout and leave early ESPECIALLY when it is in “my spot”; the place specifically in the back near the door. One or two maybe, but FOUR? And you do it 30 min before class starts so… Continue reading August 1, 2018


RARE* Weekday Work Chronicle… Patient finds out who my employer is and proceeds to advise how his employer is in the top 1% of most successful brokers. He says, “Unless you’re here to tell me you all are lowering rates then I’m good.” Me: 🤔 HOW?!? You are on the cardiac floor and I couldn’t find you… Continue reading 07.31.2018


Today’s (weekend) Work Chronicles… The full moon affected both days. The phones have been eerily quiet but the residents and visitors are acting S T R A N G E L Y. One threatened to leave so they put an alarm on him. It has been going off NON-STOP and the administrative supervisor didn’t get… Continue reading 07.29.2018