
Today’s Work Chronicles… Are LENGTHY Guess who is the weekend supervisor? The supervisor that is only supposed to be here 4 hrs but was here 8. The supervisor who doesn’t sit down and pushes people, who are three times her size, in wheelchairs when she has knee problems. The supervisor who defuses touchy situations between… Continue reading 06.30.2018


Today’s Work Chronicles… When a resident came up this morning and told me my Barack Obama Earbobz looked like the album cover of some band, I knew it was gonna be an interesting day. On the hottest day of the year, most all the residents wanted to go outside because they said it was too… Continue reading 06.17.2018


Today’s Work Chronicles… With so much love from the wedding this morning, I vowed nothing would spoil my day. That didn’t stop spoilers from happening 🤦🏾 • Nice lady handed me a bag with 7 “fresh lettuce leaves.” What am going to do with 7 leaves and why do people want to always feed me?• Resident,… Continue reading 05.19.2018


Today’s Volunteer Work Chronicles… Hosted ~200 WSSU NC-MSEN scholars and parents at Galilee Missionary Baptist Church (where I’m known as the peach cobbler lady 🤦🏾) for an Awards Day Brunch. The food was delectable, the hospitality (from planning to clean up) was heartwarming and the encouragement in the room was needed. I’ve been the program’s PTA… Continue reading 05.12.2018

05.06.2018 (part 2)

Today’s Work Chronicles (Evening Edition)… Clearly you all did NOT pray because time is not moving swiftly and I have been communicating with a resident for almost 3 hours STRAIGHT (I hear him rolling back up here as I type so I ran to the office but the phone rang and when I came out… Continue reading 05.06.2018 (part 2)


Today’s Work Chronicles… To all those who supported the Dewey’s Store during the Christmas Holidays, this is evidence of your fundraising dollars at work! The PTA of the WSSU NC-MSEN program provided transportation, up to a third of the registration cost for scholars whose parents volunteered at the store and half the cost of dinner… Continue reading 05.06.2018


Today’s Work Chronicles… Are coming early because I have a lot to talk about. 1. I am seriously confused about what day it is because The Heart Ball had a lot going on. My tablemates were all new and incredibly fun! Let me tell you, rich people who mix free liquor with free wine and… Continue reading 04.21.2018


by Aolani Donegan | Apr 16, 2018 | Micha James knew she was going to college.  She also knew she wanted to serve her community.  She graduated from Winston-Salem State University with a nursing degree and skills that allow her to support Blue Cross and Blue Shield NC (Blue Cross NC) members every day. BORN… Continue reading NURSES ENTER TO LEARN AND DEPART TO SERVE AT WINSTON-SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY


Today’s Work Chronicles… Begin with an announcement to dog owners: You saying your dog won’t bite does NOT remove the fear from those who are fearful of dogs, ESPECIALLY when the dog is the size of a goat. Lady’s response, “…that’s fine but I don’t do dogs so gone head.” They end with an exchange… Continue reading 04.08.2018


Today’s Work Chronicles… If y’all only knew the fatigue tucked behind this smile. My momma had me out late and I’m not as young as I used to be so I need ALL MY REST to operate as an extrovert for 12 hours. Thought it would be a long, rainy day but a visitor helped… Continue reading 04.07.2018