What Support Looks Like (for me)…

As seen in the picture with some of my Kijijiers yesterday, I’m “fortyish” now and I’ve been asked a couple of times whether I feel older? My responses have been layered since I didn’t have a true baseline last year because I was sick with Covid. What feels different for me this year is my… Continue reading What Support Looks Like (for me)…

Just Be Yourself…

After returning from not the best vacation, to my mother having an urgent surgery while trying to get Michai ready to start summer school, I also had the incredible honor of accepting an invitation to spend time with participants in Triad Restorative Justice’s PBJ Camp. I tend to not ask too many details when I’m… Continue reading Just Be Yourself…

Aggie Mom With Ram Blood…

…Is what Janel says will be on my next pair of Earbobz since we both love WSSU despite Michai enrolling at NCAT, but my pair yesterday represented a journey I couldn’t have imagined. I envisioned my sister being married with kids while I traveled the world as a travel nurse. My sister IS married with… Continue reading Aggie Mom With Ram Blood…

🎶Somebody Prayed For Me…

Had me on their mind, took the time and prayed for meeeee I’m so glad they prayed 👏🏾, I’m so glad they prayed👏🏾 I’m so glad they prayed for me!!!🎶 The picture above is from last night’s YMCA Black Achiever’s Gala where Michai was one of fourteen scholarship recipients. WSSU’s Women’s Basketball Head Coach, L’Tona… Continue reading 🎶Somebody Prayed For Me…

You Better Celebrate Your Work…before a white woman takes the credit 💁🏾‍♀️

Many will agree that social media has created a platform for people to constantly compare themselves, show only their “good sides”, and for people to gain virtual courage. Others will talk about how this current generation posts too much, and in fact, I have a shirt that reads, “You Post Too Much.” However, while I… Continue reading You Better Celebrate Your Work…before a white woman takes the credit 💁🏾‍♀️

Winston-Salem Needs A Whole “Lotta Love”…

Being an introvert is often a topic of my conversations, and I’ve recently included discussions about being an empath. Both help me describe my emotions and attribute to what I’m feeling at a particular time. The two topics have become more accepted since the pandemic, but they still do not eliminate the literal and figurative… Continue reading Winston-Salem Needs A Whole “Lotta Love”…

Watch Your ‘Mouf’!

Saturday’s Vlog included discussion of how we need to increase our advocacy for Black women. It came on the heels of feeling isolated during a board meeting last Monday, my Facebook comments being deleted from someone’s post about Brittney Griner last Tuesday, and an overall exhaustion of showing up for everyone else, but not witnessing… Continue reading Watch Your ‘Mouf’!

Our Journey to Graduation During a Pandemic…Part 2 (when being too transparent goes wrong)

Two years ago today, I created a Facebook post that included all the benefits of Dual Enrollment at Forsyth Tech. During that time, we’d just entered the pandemic. I didn’t fully understand the type of student I had, but I definitely understood the child I birthed. 😳😩😂 He had already taken a FTCC course and… Continue reading Our Journey to Graduation During a Pandemic…Part 2 (when being too transparent goes wrong)

Our Journey to Graduation During a Pandemic…Part 1

One of the only reasons Michai allows me to continue to post about him is because he knows how much he’s learned from other people’s life experiences. He also understands that one of the only reasons I will continue to share is if I can be transparent about the positive and not so positive things… Continue reading Our Journey to Graduation During a Pandemic…Part 1