Having a relationship with Kellie Easton results in me: 1. Being in spaces I didn’t even know existed. 2. Showing up because I know it must be important if Kellie invited me and 3. Never really quite knowing what those spaces entail. Today though…starting early this morning, I was in a space that offered some… Continue reading A Change Is Gonna Come
Author: michaismom04
It Was All Fun and Games Until…
…a play phone turned into a real phone! I haven’t written in a while so I thought I’d take this time to update y’all. I’m figuring out how to balance blogging AND vlogging. If you haven’t viewed the Our Kijiji vlog on Instagram, you’re missing out. Not because I’m the host, but because of the… Continue reading It Was All Fun and Games Until…
Brotherly Love…
If you’re following the Our Kijiji vlog, you heard me talk about how proud I am of the Mount Tabor High School football team, and that I wanted to highlight the seniors but was waiting on their info. Well, out of 17 seniors, I still only have 3 submissions. 🙄 My desire to highlight them… Continue reading Brotherly Love…
Our Kijiji
My mother loves to tell the story of how I would throw (I think it was more of a “drop”) my pacifier on the floor and refuse to pick it up. “They say” I used to cuss when I “dropped” it too. Her favorite part is when someone would take my arm and place it… Continue reading Our Kijiji
No One Is Special…
A few weeks ago, I was asked to speak about leadership to some 8 and 9-year-old “Playmates” who participate in Jack and Jill of America, Inc. I was so glad the leader asked me over the phone, because I KNOW I had a look of dismay. Why? 1. It was scheduled for 11a 😴 2.… Continue reading No One Is Special…
“I Just Can’t Give Up Now…”
I have always said, “There is no handbook to parenting”, and Michai continues to prove me right. As recent as this week, I have fussed at him about consistently doing his school work and turning it in ON TIME! A punishment backfired when I told him he wouldn’t go to football practice if his work… Continue reading “I Just Can’t Give Up Now…”
We Are Family…
Weather caused the cancellation of a few plans this morning, one being football practice. The “free” time afforded us the opportunity to attend the Black Achievers’ event to discuss the diversity of the Black family. India Reaves, a North Carolina Central Alumna, and very impactful and popular teacher returned as the speaker. India took a… Continue reading We Are Family…
“In Times Like These…”
Y’all! My Momma’s youngest sister asked us to do a family Zoom last night and it went a little something like this…(follow along) Participants in order of age: Brother 1: Frowned a lot because he wouldn’t put his glasses on Sister 1 (aka My Momma): Was delayed because I had to call from my other… Continue reading “In Times Like These…”
My Mom’s Parents (and One of Her Uncles) Have Some Explaining To Do…
I had a little time to travel today so I opted to support the Black owned, Seafood Destiny in Greensboro, particularly because they launched their new contactless feature. As I thought about the shrimp and thinly sliced potatoes, I also thought about how I was not raised eating “scavengers of the sea.” I was also… Continue reading My Mom’s Parents (and One of Her Uncles) Have Some Explaining To Do…
Today’s Year-end Chronicles…
Well y’all, it’s been almost a year since I uploaded my first blog post! I created it out of encouragement from others, and also because The Chronicle wouldn’t print a piece I wrote about WSSU. My mother will tell you, “No”, has not ever stopped me from doing something I’m really passionate about. To The… Continue reading Today’s Year-end Chronicles…