Today’s Graduation/Financial Aid Chronicles…05.24.2020

My sister started my day talking about credit reports so I thought I’d share some things with y’all. When you know better, say it with me…”YOU DO BETTER”…and since this is graduation season, I don’t mind being transparent about lessons I’ve learned. This is absolutely ‘bloggable’, but I don’t feel like using that format, so… Continue reading Today’s Graduation/Financial Aid Chronicles…05.24.2020

HBCUs…how will they recover?

A friend sent this article,, and asked my thoughts? I didn’t catch the set up until I sent said thoughts and she replied, “BLOG ABOUT IT!” I told her I’d think about it and here we are… Because I can’t remain calm and become so emotionally involved with the lack of leadership at THEE… Continue reading HBCUs…how will they recover?

What Goes On In This House, Stays In This House…or does it?

People were frequently at my grandparent’s house seeking wisdom and/or gossiping. They knew their secrets, lies and gossip were safe in those walls because my grandparents weren’t messy people. What they didn’t know is my grandmother instilled the saying, “What goes on in this house, stays in this house…”, so we were fearful about repeating… Continue reading What Goes On In This House, Stays In This House…or does it?

What’s On Your List?

☝🏾This was just to lure you here. It ain’t gon’ be that deep…today. 😉 I’m running out of entertainment options. Mainly because my “kitchens” are giving me a headache and I just want to wake up to my hair being flat ironed. For those who need help with “kitchens”; Urban Dictionary will help. I started… Continue reading What’s On Your List?

Are We Really Woke?

Emotional Rollercoaster does not adequately describe how I’ve been feeling. I was fine with the schools closing, I was fine with being moved to “work from home” on my full-time job, I was fine with being called in more on my part-time job, I was fine with not having my hair and nails done…wait, I’m… Continue reading Are We Really Woke?


Today’s Work Chronicles… Let me follow up my post about gloves with a comment about masks. Really no need to wear them if you’re not going to cover your mouth AND nose. It’s time you smell the same breath we’ve been smelling. My shift started with a delivery from Pizza Hut. Later learned it didn’t… Continue reading 03.20.2020


Today’s Work Chronicles… Healthcare workers (company AND agency employed)…we can’t turn on each other, and we can’t turn on the residents because we think the family members won’t find out (due to restricted visitation). Residents aren’t who you’re used to: •They are not all old•They are not all incompetent•Many of them will cuss you slap… Continue reading 03.18.2020

03.16.2020 part 2

Today’s Work Chronicles con’t… I spoke too soon… As I was locking up, sister came back and said she would do whatever, i.e. gown, glove, mask, to see her sister. “I gotta see her and she has to see me. If not, she’ll just get weaker and weaker. I can’t have her die on me,… Continue reading 03.16.2020 part 2


Today’s Work Chronicles… The phones weren’t too bad.•There were still a couple calls clarifying if the no visitor policy was really true•A couple family members didn’t read the sign, so they were shocked when they were told they couldn’t go any further•A husband, who my mother told me was crying over the phone, came with… Continue reading 03.16.2020


Today’s Life Chronicles… I’ve wanted to work in healthcare since I was in the 3rd grade and learned police officers didn’t make a lot of money and I would have to do too much reading to be a lawyer. Prior to the outbreak, I signed up to work at the facility 3 days this week.… Continue reading 03.16.2020