Today’s International Women’s Day Chronicles… Started by group messaging my sister and mother about life stuff. I transported Michai and his friends to training. A mom from the village group of moms picked them up, which allowed me to visit WSSU’s softball game…Pic 1. Janel Brown visited me there so I could purchase more Bobz, and… Continue reading 03.08.2020
Author: michaismom04
Today’s Birthday Chronicles… Y’all have read about her personality traits over the years. They remain the same. I’m showing these photos to represent how supportive she is. As long as it didn’t interrupt her super early bedtime, she has always shown up to be our loudest cheerleader. Michai loves her, and she loves him, but… Continue reading 03.07.2020
Today’s Work/Virus/Parenting Chronicles… Now that I have your attention, the movie “Just Mercy”, albeit an enlightening and well documented piece of art, let the world know of the injustices happening in Alabama. It’s hard for racists to admit their wrongdoings, so they would rather speed up the process to get rid of evidence of their… Continue reading 03.06.2020
Today’s Virus Chronicles… “Professionalism” is thrown out the window now that people are fearful of the virus. Communication has been issued encouraging people to air fist-bump or elbow bump instead of shaking hands. We’ve been greeting each other like that…
Today’s “When you know better, you do better” Chronicles… Pic 1…Offered a “laugh to keep from crying” moment when I opened my student loan statement. My student loan statements are shown to Michai when I discuss why he is participating in the Dual Enrollment program at FTCC. A friend discussed how Dual Enrollment wasn’t an… Continue reading 03.04.2020
Today’s CIAA Chronicles… I will miss my comrades, but I could not justify Blessing the city of Charlotte another year by paying increased prices, double what I paid last week at the same venues, while the CIAA allows them to commit grand theft. The amount they profit has increased, while their “donation” is pretty much… Continue reading 02.27.2020
Today’s Black History Month Chronicles… It’s HBCU Day/Night with the Hornets, sponsored by Blue Cross NC. It was a great idea to travel with 4 guys when I learned about this event…Pic 1. Now that the day is here…I have learned/heard way too much from said 4 guys. They started the day at a HBCU… Continue reading 02.22.2020
Today’s Black History Month Chronicles… My confidence isn’t all the way back in reference to promoting people and programs, but y’all can trust me on the items listed below… •Coach Carpenter, aka Coach Big (didn’t find out until midseason of our 2nd year that Big wasn’t his real name and didn’t know he could walk… Continue reading 02.19.2020
Today’s Meeting/Black History Chronicles… Instead of a lady excusing herself, she continues to disrupt the meeting with her cough. I look over trying to understand why she’s not drinking her water, only to see her cough is UNCOVERED and that she’s probably coughing because she’s PAINTING HER NAILS. This is why I don’t like to… Continue reading 02.15.2020
Today’s Black History Month Chronicles… Thank you to a Human Relations committee member for sending info about tonight’s conversation with Attorney Benjamin Crump. He talked about SO MUCH! I’ll share a few points (from other speakers as well), and will maybe blog about it when I get my energy up. •Picture your black son, nephew… Continue reading 02.12.2020