Yesterday’s Fitbit/“Awaiting Carrier (FedEx) Pickup”/The Devil Is Busy/Women’s History/Competitive Spirit Chronicles…

I made it through last week’s Spring Break with y’all’s nephew, his gaming schedule and expensive eating habits, only to get home Sunday night and notice the face of my Fitbit was coming off on one side. I was too tired to investigate so I rested and decided I would deal with it yesterday morning.… Continue reading Yesterday’s Fitbit/“Awaiting Carrier (FedEx) Pickup”/The Devil Is Busy/Women’s History/Competitive Spirit Chronicles…


Today’s Gym Chronicles… Because I’ve often been told how people didn’t think I am as nice as I am because I looked unapproachable, I’m glad the new people in class look to me for help (despite being the fattest and a cusser when the weights get too heavy). What I DON’T like is people being… Continue reading 05.22.2019


Dear Gym Instructors: Stop asking me to move up! I’m in the back for a reason. Don’t get in your feelings and try and shame me when I don’t want to do the silly dances in between the workout moves either. You’re starting to act like pastors…I’m not there to make friends, just let me… Continue reading 11.02.2018

August 1, 2018

Gym Chronicles… Please do NOT set up equipment for FOUR of your friends who are habitually tardy, half-ass the workout and leave early ESPECIALLY when it is in “my spot”; the place specifically in the back near the door. One or two maybe, but FOUR? And you do it 30 min before class starts so… Continue reading August 1, 2018