Ain’t God Alright?!? 🙌🏾

The emotional struggle I felt since Friday was heavy. So much so, that I didn’t know how I was gonna show up for the Vlog yesterday. I went to visit the family who lost their loved one and they gave me some strength. We swapped stories as children watching their parents age and how we… Continue reading Ain’t God Alright?!? 🙌🏾

💜🖤Winston-Salem is Purple and Black Again…and filled with full circle moments🖤💜

When the Village Chief calls you answer. The call came Friday AFTER he text to inquire about whether I could attend the National Black Theater Festival’s (NBTF) Gala. I knew my window of opportunity was brief, but I couldn’t respond until I confirmed I had something to wear AND that I could get my hair… Continue reading 💜🖤Winston-Salem is Purple and Black Again…and filled with full circle moments🖤💜

Aggie Mom With Ram Blood…

…Is what Janel says will be on my next pair of Earbobz since we both love WSSU despite Michai enrolling at NCAT, but my pair yesterday represented a journey I couldn’t have imagined. I envisioned my sister being married with kids while I traveled the world as a travel nurse. My sister IS married with… Continue reading Aggie Mom With Ram Blood…

🎶Somebody Prayed For Me…

Had me on their mind, took the time and prayed for meeeee I’m so glad they prayed 👏🏾, I’m so glad they prayed👏🏾 I’m so glad they prayed for me!!!🎶 The picture above is from last night’s YMCA Black Achiever’s Gala where Michai was one of fourteen scholarship recipients. WSSU’s Women’s Basketball Head Coach, L’Tona… Continue reading 🎶Somebody Prayed For Me…

Our Journey to Graduation During a Pandemic…Part 2 (when being too transparent goes wrong)

Two years ago today, I created a Facebook post that included all the benefits of Dual Enrollment at Forsyth Tech. During that time, we’d just entered the pandemic. I didn’t fully understand the type of student I had, but I definitely understood the child I birthed. 😳😩😂 He had already taken a FTCC course and… Continue reading Our Journey to Graduation During a Pandemic…Part 2 (when being too transparent goes wrong)

Our Journey to Graduation During a Pandemic…Part 1

One of the only reasons Michai allows me to continue to post about him is because he knows how much he’s learned from other people’s life experiences. He also understands that one of the only reasons I will continue to share is if I can be transparent about the positive and not so positive things… Continue reading Our Journey to Graduation During a Pandemic…Part 1

“Thank You For Being A Friend…”

We ended 2021 losing America’s Golden Girl, Betty White. We learned today of the loss of a father/friend/mentor to many, as well as, an incredible history maker…Sidney Poitier. Before losing both of them, I lost a dear friend by the name of Ms. Peggy. If you want to learn a little more about her, she… Continue reading “Thank You For Being A Friend…”

What A Difference A Year Makes (or is it really that different?)

I typically start my day with meditation and reflection, and many of my reflections come from Facebook memories. The first memory of today was from last year and is listed below. Thinking about all that’s happened in the last 365 days sent me into a morning of praise and worship, including uttering prayers of thankfulness… Continue reading What A Difference A Year Makes (or is it really that different?)

Brotherly Love…

If you’re following the Our Kijiji vlog, you heard me talk about how proud I am of the Mount Tabor High School football team, and that I wanted to highlight the seniors but was waiting on their info. Well, out of 17 seniors, I still only have 3 submissions. 🙄 My desire to highlight them… Continue reading Brotherly Love…