We Are Family…

Weather caused the cancellation of a few plans this morning, one being football practice. The “free” time afforded us the opportunity to attend the Black Achievers’ event to discuss the diversity of the Black family. India Reaves, a North Carolina Central Alumna, and very impactful and popular teacher returned as the speaker. India took a… Continue reading We Are Family…

“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly…Part 3

I later learned from the sister and the niece about all she had been dealing with, and how they were in search of someone to make sure she ate when she returned home. In the midst of trying to find someone, the sister said she was going to keep her for the time being. I… Continue reading “Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly…Part 3

“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly…Part 2

One set of neighbors included a mother and daughter who were memorable for their smiles, calmness and fancy attire. The daughter retired from teaching in New Jersey and returned home to care for her mother. I saw the daughter at Sam’s in 2016. She didn’t recognize me so I had to explain where we met.… Continue reading “Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly…Part 2

HBCUs…how will they recover?

A friend sent this article, https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/05/15/us/ap-us-virus-outbreak-hbcus.html, and asked my thoughts? I didn’t catch the set up until I sent said thoughts and she replied, “BLOG ABOUT IT!” I told her I’d think about it and here we are… Because I can’t remain calm and become so emotionally involved with the lack of leadership at THEE… Continue reading HBCUs…how will they recover?


Today’s CIAA Chronicles… I will miss my comrades, but I could not justify Blessing the city of Charlotte another year by paying increased prices, double what I paid last week at the same venues, while the CIAA allows them to commit grand theft. The amount they profit has increased, while their “donation” is pretty much… Continue reading 02.27.2020


Today’s Black History Month Chronicles… It’s HBCU Day/Night with the Hornets, sponsored by Blue Cross NC. It was a great idea to travel with 4 guys when I learned about this event…Pic 1. Now that the day is here…I have learned/heard way too much from said 4 guys. They started the day at a HBCU… Continue reading 02.22.2020


Today’s HBCU/MSEN/Volunteering/Life Chronicles… We’re baaacckkkk…working at the WSSU MSEN Dewey’s Holiday Store. It was a pleasure to work with the two on the right. The young lady with the bright smile made my heart so full when I learned of all her accomplishments in the Early College Program. Her mother (and father), who is standing… Continue reading 12.11.2019


Tonight’s Foolishness/Work Chronicles… My mother is in the office behind me so I can’t cuss. Pics 1 and 2…Please explain how in the he…ck you post a job after the lady has been hired (BEHIND CLOSED DOORS), signs her contract, has a press conference (where she recited the wrong motto, but who’s judging?) and has… Continue reading 12.10.2019


Dear Elwood Robinson, If there were no funds for the football team to stay off campus Friday night, if positions are not being filled due to lack of funding which is causing current employees to be overworked, if there is no money for raises, if the Advancement office has been beg…I mean asking for $1… Continue reading 11.07.2019