Today’s Black History Month Chronicles… Thank you to a Human Relations committee member for sending info about tonight’s conversation with Attorney Benjamin Crump. He talked about SO MUCH! I’ll share a few points (from other speakers as well), and will maybe blog about it when I get my energy up. •Picture your black son, nephew… Continue reading 02.12.2020
Category: Life Chronicles
Today’s Healthcare Day Chronicles… Closing out my yearly Leadership Winston-Salem duties with a day about the complexities of healthcare. Along with the info in Pics 1, 2 and 3, we learned there is a 20 year decrease in life expectancy in the 27101, 27105 and 27107 zip codes compared to the rest of the zip… Continue reading 02.05.2020
Today’s Black History Month Chronicles… I’ve been invited to the International Civil Rights Center Museum Gala for the past few years and, each time, it’s been reinforced why I can’t turn a blind eye to injustice. Most of the time, my guest to the Gala is Pic 1, Denise James. Last year, her knee wouldn’t allow… Continue reading 02.03.2020
Today’s High School Registration Chronicles… Another informative AAMPED session and another disappointing number of attendees. The organizers work hard to provide info/services outside of what schools offer. Don’t quote me (as some of you have lately 👀🙄), but programs like this usually operate from grant funding. Funders decide their grant amounts based on outcomes which include… Continue reading 01.29.2020
Today’s Mothering Chronicles… Want to see a decline in job performance, workplace attitudes and engagement (in any organization) with women? Speak negatively about them becoming mothers and/or being mothers. Witnessed and heard of insults related to a pregnant mother being told she shouldn’t be as sick as she is and a mother who was talked… Continue reading 01.13.2020
Today’s “Just Mercy” Chronicles… I didn’t want to blog about this because I didn’t want to offer spoilers. I learned a while ago, my disdain for reading came from me not liking made up stories; I like facts. I also learned I either like to read the book and be done or see the movie… Continue reading 01.11.2020
Today’s WSSU MSEN Volunteer Chronicles… As you can see, I’m volunteering minus Michai. He attended a birthday “sleepover” but didn’t go to sleep until 630a. Needless to say, he didn’t know who I was nor where he was when I woke him up to come here. Oh, but guess who will be at the back… Continue reading 12.22.2019
Today’s Black Women Chronicles… Sent to me by a villager who has been listening to my frustrations. They sent it at the same time I saw Pic 2 in my memories. There’s more to this, stay tuned…
Tonight’s Education/Equity/Reading Chronicles… You never know who’s watching. Kris Cox, Executive Director of ReadWS, has been paying attention to me for a little while. We’ve had lunch where she’s encouraged me to blog or write a book (as she did again tonight). She invited me to her event scheduled for tonight. I told her I… Continue reading 12.12.2019
Today’s Football Chronicles… I witnessed one of THEE MOST poorly officiated games in my history of spectating during last night’s game between East Forsyth and Grimsley. My dad was/is a ref and I always wanted to be one so I am sensitive to the job they have. Many are still learning. Even though there is… Continue reading 12.07.2019