
Today’s Human Relations Chronicles… I have not read a book more intently, as quickly or with as much emotion (probably because I simultaneously read The Son Does Shine) as Just Mercy. I am so happy Bryan Stevenson is alive to witness the gift I know Michael B. Jordan and Jaime Foxx will offer. This will… Continue reading 12.05.2019


Today’s Work Chronicles… It is typically quite difficult to get anyone to answer on either of the units after 5p. A resident mishandled one of the cordless phones and you could hear numbers being dialed throughout the entire facility. All of sudden, people (who can never be found when hospitals or labs call) from both… Continue reading 12.04.2019


Yesterday’s Financial Literacy Chronicles… I saw the attached article on Kismet’s page and began sharing it and/or asking people if they had an estate plan. I started talking to Michai about my wishes and that, although I don’t have much property, I want to make sure he doesn’t end up having to fight in court… Continue reading 12.03.2019


Today’s WSFCS Superintendent Listening Session Chronicles… I thought I would be listening to Dr. Hairston discuss her plans for the district. Had I known she was going to be listening to the audience, I probably wouldn’t have gone because these events can be awkward. Dr. Hairston can talk, but she was “talking good” and differently… Continue reading 11.20.2019


Today’s High School Chronicles… Mount Tabor offers a forum series and tonight’s session was about Mental Health. Great information was offered, most of which I already knew from previous discussions or learned about from experience. What was startling to learn is how young students have been found vaping (3rd Grade) and how the CBD edibles,… Continue reading 11.19.2019


Today’s Community Chronicles… It has taken me 24 hours to get my mind together after attending the “Dismantling the Benefits Cliff” session where I participated in a simulation involving real financial situations families (mine included) in our community faced/face (insert a comma where you see fit). A few things discussed that alerted me: •It’s very… Continue reading 11.13.2019


Today’s Adventure/Football Chronicles… Michai had an 8a appointment and I had a 930a appointment to get my car serviced. Times are important because we were out late at the game last night and neither of us are morning people. We were sitting in the waiting area and the couple in Pics 1 and 2 decided… Continue reading 11.09.2019


Today’s HBCU/Homecoming Chronicles… We learned of the school system’s decision to not approve a mandatory African-American History class this week, but they did approve inclusion courses. I have thoughts on that, but for a later chronicle. Many people responded with, “Teach your children at home.” I agree because I was disheartened by some of the… Continue reading 10.27.2019

09.06.2019 part 2

Today’s Chronicles cont’d… Football/Parenting…The team took a loss last night on and off the field. Off the field Michai learned some valuable lessons. He finally recognized the responsibilities attached to being a leader and how he can’t hype the team up before the game but be a poor sport during and after the game. He… Continue reading 09.06.2019 part 2


Today’s (Yesterday’s) HBCU, Football, Parenting Chronicles… HBCU…I returned to the Resume Drive yesterday where there were so many students, they had to be turned away and asked to come back today. Students were much more prepared, engaged and excited about their next steps. I still don’t agree with this generation’s expectations but I don’t get… Continue reading 09.06.2019