We Are Family…

Weather caused the cancellation of a few plans this morning, one being football practice. The “free” time afforded us the opportunity to attend the Black Achievers’ event to discuss the diversity of the Black family. India Reaves, a North Carolina Central Alumna, and very impactful and popular teacher returned as the speaker. India took a… Continue reading We Are Family…

Today’s Year-end Chronicles…

Well y’all, it’s been almost a year since I uploaded my first blog post! I created it out of encouragement from others, and also because The Chronicle wouldn’t print a piece I wrote about WSSU. My mother will tell you, “No”, has not ever stopped me from doing something I’m really passionate about. To The… Continue reading Today’s Year-end Chronicles…

“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly…Part 3

I later learned from the sister and the niece about all she had been dealing with, and how they were in search of someone to make sure she ate when she returned home. In the midst of trying to find someone, the sister said she was going to keep her for the time being. I… Continue reading “Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly…Part 3

“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly…Part 2

One set of neighbors included a mother and daughter who were memorable for their smiles, calmness and fancy attire. The daughter retired from teaching in New Jersey and returned home to care for her mother. I saw the daughter at Sam’s in 2016. She didn’t recognize me so I had to explain where we met.… Continue reading “Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly…Part 2

Today’s Parenting Chronicles…

“It takes a village to raise a child” is a proverb I take seriously. It’s one that initiated “all hands on deck” this week after virtual learning pushed Michai and me to our limits! Monday started with me fussing about late work. It ended with us both in tears because of frustration, fatigue, pressure and… Continue reading Today’s Parenting Chronicles…

Today’s It’s Not What You Know, But Who You Know Chronicles…

I don’t know how Michai’s boss found me, but she inboxed me a few years back and asked to meet for lunch. Although I try to avoid awkward situations with strangers, specifically White strangers, our mutual friends list was solid so I agreed. I could tell she was passionate about life, which included teaching children… Continue reading Today’s It’s Not What You Know, But Who You Know Chronicles…