Are We Tired Yet?

I wrote a Facebook post about my experience at Mount Tabor High School yesterday morning that included, “MENTAL HEALTH SHOULD BE A PRIORITY! Also, check-in with your kids because between life and hormones, a lot of them are struggling.” I ended the post by saying, “It’s Day 8…an understaffed school system, overworked employees, troubled students,… Continue reading Are We Tired Yet?

A Change Is Gonna Come

Having a relationship with Kellie Easton results in me: 1. Being in spaces I didn’t even know existed. 2. Showing up because I know it must be important if Kellie invited me and 3. Never really quite knowing what those spaces entail. Today though…starting early this morning, I was in a space that offered some… Continue reading A Change Is Gonna Come

Today’s It’s Not What You Know, But Who You Know Chronicles…

I don’t know how Michai’s boss found me, but she inboxed me a few years back and asked to meet for lunch. Although I try to avoid awkward situations with strangers, specifically White strangers, our mutual friends list was solid so I agreed. I could tell she was passionate about life, which included teaching children… Continue reading Today’s It’s Not What You Know, But Who You Know Chronicles…


Today’s Healthcare Day Chronicles… Closing out my yearly Leadership Winston-Salem duties with a day about the complexities of healthcare. Along with the info in Pics 1, 2 and 3, we learned there is a 20 year decrease in life expectancy in the 27101, 27105 and 27107 zip codes compared to the rest of the zip… Continue reading 02.05.2020


Today’s WSSU MSEN Volunteer Chronicles… Guess who woke up to come get their Crosby volunteer hours?!? We’re here until 12p and have free cookies with your purchase…🍪🍪🍪


Today’s WSSU MSEN Volunteer Chronicles… As you can see, I’m volunteering minus Michai. He attended a birthday “sleepover” but didn’t go to sleep until 630a. Needless to say, he didn’t know who I was nor where he was when I woke him up to come here. Oh, but guess who will be at the back… Continue reading 12.22.2019


Tonight’s Education/Equity/Reading Chronicles… You never know who’s watching. Kris Cox, Executive Director of ReadWS, has been paying attention to me for a little while. We’ve had lunch where she’s encouraged me to blog or write a book (as she did again tonight). She invited me to her event scheduled for tonight. I told her I… Continue reading 12.12.2019


Today’s HBCU/MSEN/Volunteering/Life Chronicles… We’re baaacckkkk…working at the WSSU MSEN Dewey’s Holiday Store. It was a pleasure to work with the two on the right. The young lady with the bright smile made my heart so full when I learned of all her accomplishments in the Early College Program. Her mother (and father), who is standing… Continue reading 12.11.2019


Today’s Work Chronicles… I had a Healthcare Day committee meeting with Leadership Winston-Salem and joined the Mental Health subcommittee because I still don’t think many realize how much mental health affects every other type of health. Working at the facility and a transportation driver drops a resident at the front desk. The resident chews paper… Continue reading 10.09.2019