5 years ago today, I planned to stay home and do some self care before picking Michai up at my mom’s. *Read the post from 12.25.2019*
That was interrupted by being called into work which I agreed to because my car payment was due, my dad had car trouble and didn’t follow instructions regarding transporting Michai, which all required me to do more peopling than desired, and I created a blog and wrote my first post!
Fast forward 5 years:
• I still have 2 jobs, however, neither require me to work on holidays 🎉
• I still have a car payment 😔
• my dad just left a message while inpatient at yet another rehab facility, back on this side of the state, and proclaims it to be the best Christmas he’s had in 45 years 😏
• my mom is living her best life and will continue to if she listens to her children 🤦🏾
• Michai is now driving himself, and is hopefully completing the FAFSA before he starts working (yes, he’s now the one who works in a field that doesn’t close for the holidays ), because the way his fall grades were set up, he better gon’ head and get on up outta there before they ask him to leave 💁🏾🙄
• I will probably finally be able to, 5 years later, stay home and watch Netflix (for Bey’s halftime show and The Starting 5), while eating my favorite snacks (not too much or too many, though, because this back is backin’ baby 🫣😩)
So much has happened, and I’m grateful for it all!!! I’m definitely at the age/stage of trying to remember where the time has gone, while also having a hard time believing it’ll be a different year in 8 days. Ain’t God alright? 🙌🏾💃🏾

Be Vigilant, Be Careful, and we pray you continue to Be Well!!!
Micha, Jayauna, Michai, and Teddy 🫶🏾
Loved your post!
Thank you for reading!