HBCUs…how will they recover?

A friend sent this article, https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/05/15/us/ap-us-virus-outbreak-hbcus.html, and asked my thoughts? I didn’t catch the set up until I sent said thoughts and she replied, “BLOG ABOUT IT!” I told her I’d think about it and here we are…

Because I can’t remain calm and become so emotionally involved with the lack of leadership at THEE Winston-Salem State University, I stopped keeping up with the shenaning…I mean happenings on campus. That didn’t stop friends from sending me stuff; one being the failed music battle between the WSSU and ECSU Chancellors, and another being the latest “Dont Rush” video of Elwood twirling around the room. None of that has stopped my love for HBCUs though.

I will admit, I’m glad Michai didn’t graduate this year, but as I think about him attending a HBCU (he wants it to be one in NC) in a couple years, I wonder which ones will still be around. So many of the fine institutions struggled financially prior to the stay-at-home orders, so how in the world will they recover once students return to campus?

The financial struggle for many HBCUs comes from lack of federal/state funding, as well as, limited alumni support. WSSU’s struggle came from somebody lying about numbers, but that’s another story for another day. 🙄

We all know why HBCUs exist. If you’ve ever been on campus, attended a class, witnessed an athletic competition, or participated in a Homecoming…you know they’re different. Their differences are why our children need them.

Racism shows itself in many forms and remains prevalent in our educational system. If our kids are some of the most vulnerable, yet standardized testing continues, admission requirements increasingly work against us, tuition rates increase, and funding is virtually nonexistent…how will they find refuge at a HBCU?

As mentioned in the article, “HBCUs are hard to die.” I agree. I’ve also been reminded of how much money is out there by how legislators have approved bills, schools have provided learning equipment and food. But this is when the entire population is affected. My question is, will EQUITABLE help be given to HBCUs when “the blacks” are the ones with the most need? Or will we have to continue to fight? Will some institutions eventually die?

Sadly, I look forward to the poor customer service I’ll receive from a mean, overworked lady who has been at the same HBCU for 3 generations. I just don’t know if there will be a seat for Michai…✊🏾


    1. You are the perfect example of “matters from the heart”. I appreciate, respect and admire your #Loyalty to what you believe in and go hard for. OAN, you are an EXCEPTIONAL writer; if I’ve never said so…

      Big Sissy

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