It’s Sunday…And I Kinda Went To Church

Those who know me know I was raised SDA. Sunday, or “First Day”, worship didn’t happen until I started singing with a group. Y’all thought I was going to talk about being put out of church didn’t you? Nope, not today.

I say I kinda went to church because I was viewing service from Bedside Baptist…aka online. It affords me the opportunity to mute the music if it’s off-key and not be noticed when there are other awkward moments, like when the preacher does a lot of squalling with that one leg in the air. Plus, Pastors have gone from “Tell your neighbor…” to “Touch your neighbor” to now, “Grab your neighbor.” I don’t want to be assaulted in church…

I’m here today to talk about an adage I learned at home and in church… “Treat people how you want to be treated.” My mother also told us that everyone wasn’t raised like us so we can’t expect them to know how to treat us. From that, I learned to verbally communicate my feelings while offering a little more forgiveness and compassion.

In recent conversations, I’ve learned people lack compassion, yet still expect forgiveness. There is a thin line between sanity and insanity, love and hate, and no one ever knows what someone else is going through. So as one friend says, “TREAT PEOPLE RIGHT OR LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!”

Another friend has dedicated their life to ministry, yet has experienced some of the most painful moments from leaders of the church. I don’t advise one to match people’s energy, but I do advise to teach people how to treat you. Some of the meanest and most uncompassionate people sit in pews, and while some will remain as such, others simply have not been told that if they are going to be the mean usher, at least use a breath mint. *I’m back* Instead of going from church to church or becoming bitter, communicate your feelings and allow opportunities for people to change. Now, if you’ve done your due diligence and receive no positive response; you may need to implement a “mic drop” moment. You make the call. 🤷🏾‍♀️

In the coming weeks, you may see me post some different suggestions after dealing with some situations in the community. If that happens, just read it and go on about your business.

Many may not understand how it feels to read something in front of the congreation and those watching online. It’s okay to be nervous and begin again because when you keep saying, “Glory to God” or “Thank you Jesus”, we know you either can’t read the word or you lost your place. 🤦🏾‍♀️

I planned to stay in all day, but I have to go to the store AGAIN, because we are on Day 9 of this 16 day break and more cereal and milk is needed for the one who eats cereal out of Tupperware bowls.

See below for examples of my expressions about church…BE BLESSED 🤗

1 comment

  1. Keep them coming because you are unapologetically giving me my whole life in being transparent. Your voice speaks for many who can’t relay how they feel without coming off wrong.

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