“Oh Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say”

Being intentional about the energy and words I put into the atmosphere is really important to me, because the universe has a way of shifting and making me seem like a liar (a behavior I despise). A few weeks ago, I was invited to join some WSSU Alums to take a trip to watch the Women’s and Men’s Basketball teams play Virginia Union. I accepted the invitation, and made the mistake by saying, “Sure, I don’t have anything planned. I’ll be there.” 🤦🏾‍♀️😧😩

I looked at my planner last Sunday and said to myself, “Now how did we get here?” I agreed to help organize a training that took place yesterday, which continues to prove the lasting effects of Covid, because I failed to remember what end-to-end planning looks like. This was my last week at work for the year, so I needed to close some things out, and Michai has things he wants to do as he closes out his K-12 career.

Event planning is NOT one of my strengths, mainly because it involves other people and y’all know people ain’t my ministry. Michai recently told me my face terrifies people, and since I hadn’t met some of these people in person, I didn’t want to come across mean via e-mail when I really wanted to say, “Let me know if you’re coming, or you won’t have no food and you’ll have to bring your own cup so you can get water from the spigot (‘spicket’ in my Grandma’s voice) because I’m getting the exact number of bottled waters. 💁🏾‍♀️” I needed to be strategic with paper products because it is being funded by a grassroots organization, and speaking of my Grandma, I heard her saying, “Get more than what’s required because you don’t want to run out.” Then there was the food and drink menu…I don’t even make my own food, so I definitely couldn’t think of a menu for them. I also couldn’t buy the fruit for breakfast too early because it needed to be fresh. Ultimately this is how the week went…

Sunday-helped at a community event, after helping at one on Saturday

Monday-Tried to recover from the weekend since it was a light day at work. Forced myself to get dressed to go across town to get my mammogram, only to learn my Covid booster was given too close to the date and could potentially cause screening issues. So yea, that was time I couldn’t get back, but I used it to go get items for Saturday (even though I didn’t have an accurate headcount 🤭).

Tuesday-Full day at work. Michai had to get his haircut and twisted. He (I did too) wanted to go the basketball game, which is where I had to take two Zoom calls. It is also where I “sweat my hair back” because it was hot as whatever people think hell is going to feel like.

Wednesday-My hair looked A MESS. Full work day. Had to figure out a hair appointment but it needed to be over by 530p because I had board member orientation, and didn’t want to be the Black person who’s always late (but I was 😔). Needed to verify the food order with the restaurant, so they would have time to plan, but was missing orders from people whom I knew would be present.

Thursday-Worked. Traveled to Richmond to the WSSU game. Was the youngest on the bus, so when we returned at 1a, I helped to make sure everyone got to their cars safely. SN: I had so much fun with my fellow Alums. We ate at an Alum’s house who lives in the VA area and I learned so much. Ain’t nothing like HBCU love.

Taken at the Alum’s house. An example of how the dinner went 🤫

Friday-Couldn’t get to sleep until about 345a. Was awakened by Brent Campbell at 615a talking about a TikTok threat. Needed to be at the store around 7a to get the fruit for Saturday, so I could send the invoices before the event. Needed to get back to send my outdated resume to my cousin because it has been requested by my Vlog bosses. Had to get Michai to school early so I could get to Durham for a work event. Had to leave Durham by 2p to get home and change so I could get to the school where the football team received their championship rings. The game was paused due to a cheerleader getting injured. It was an exciting game and it was hot as “whatever people think hell is going to feel like” again. This is also where I told Michai, “If you don’t drive home, we will have to sleep at the school.” Laid on the floor when we got home and talked to myself until I hyped myself up enough to get my clothes off.

Saturday-Arrived at the training location at 815a. Previously discussed my plans with Michai where I told him to walk and get food, yet I received a message from him asking me to bring food from the place I told him to walk. Speaking of food…the manager I communicated with about the order for the training failed to notify the weekend manager, so the food was 30 minutes late (and my salad was the only one missing dressing 😒). Hosted the Vlog, where the conversation was great, and also kinda heavy. Left the training location at 725p to get to dinner at 730p. Oh yea, the training was about social-emotional learning. An introvert talking and listening about emotions all day=😔😩😧😳🥺😱😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

When I asked Michai if he got food, 👆🏾 is what he sent. This may look unappetizing to you, but I was super proud because HE PREPARED IT, which also meant he took something out of the freezer and was PATIENT enough to cook for himself!!! He just may be ready to leave after all. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

Sunday-Not sure what time I went to sleep last night, but apparently I didn’t have a problem getting my clothes off.

Even though it doesn’t look like I’ve gotten better with my schedule…universe, close your ears 🙉…I have. This week was just a week where a lot happened at once. However, in reference to the cover photo…that date and time is already booked. Aye, at least I’m planning ahead 🤷🏾‍♀️ 🤣.

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