Plans…How Many Of Us Have Them?

A few days ago, I chose to celebrate the majority of today at home and alone! I only planned to leave to pick Michai up from my mother’s house. I had my food pre-ordered, Netflix shows saved and an alarm to turn my phone off. I text my sister to tell her my plans and she didn’t say much, but I knew I couldn’t tell my mother via text. I built up the courage to tell her over the phone yesterday and could tell she didn’t like it. I don’t like upsetting family, but after Michai returned Sunday from a birthday sleepover (chaperoned by both the friend’s parents) with a busted lip, and I also learned Monday he has holes in his well made hoodie from the same sleepover (that I paid a nice piece of change for), yet he was mad at me for being mad, and being “that parent.” I decided we needed some time alone.

My dad asked to pick Michai up for a few hours. I was going to have him drop Michai off at my mother’s with the rest of the family and I would pick him up tonight. A part of the plan was altered when my mom asked to not have my dad come to her house. No problem, I still would have some time to myself, right? Around 8a, I read a Huffington Post piece by a mother who was doing something similar by staying home with the dog and sending her husband and child to be with the family. I was feeling better about my decision. While reading, I received a text notification asking me to work today. My car payment is due in approximately 6 days and 8 hours. I don’t have the body to strip. This same body is also not made for jail or prison so I can’t do anything illegal, therefore, I cannot turn down extra hours performing a relatively easy job. It was okay, because I could still come home and get a few hours to myself before having to get Michai, right? NOPE…while texting my dad, he calls to say his car won’t start.

I text my mother to tell her she spoke my day into the atmosphere; she told me I would be asked to work and she also questioned whether my dad would show up. She was married to him for quite some time and knows his habits. She text back to say they (my mother, sister and brother-in-law (he didn’t know he would be participating)) would still make sure I was able to execute my plans because, as my sister said, “It’s Christmas free flow.”

I get to work to learn I needed to fax a 127-page document. No problem. I get a call from the verbally abusive boyfriend from last night who took the girlfriend home knowing she needed IV antibiotics at 9a this morning. Same nurse who didn’t act when I told him the patient was being verbally abused by the boyfriend, acted as though he didn’t know where the patient was when the nursing supervisor was looking for her. Family members, who don’t take time to visit the residents, are calling back-to-back demanding to speak to them. Residents are not up, clean and dressed…some slept in the same clothes they wore yesterday. Have you completed your Healthcare Power of Attorney documents yet?

My sister calls to tell me my dad went to my mother’s house and got Michai. I put her on hold to answer the phone from my mother who was calling from her room to tell me the same thing. I call my dad and “advise” him to take Michai back to my mother’s because he KNEW she didn’t want him at her house.

When will I get time to myself? You see, us spending so much time together is a result of punishment for Michai. Yep, you are correct…I am the one being punished.

I told a visitor to have a good day and he responded, “I already have. I’ve seen you.” I received confirmation for the 127 page fax. I have my favorite salad ready to eat, I’m getting ready to go be with my family and, oh yea, I STARTED A BLOG TODAY!