The Baby Done Growed Up

Since I changed my Facebook profile pic to one that showcases this website, I thought it may be good to publish a new post in case anyone decided to visit.

This half of the year feels different. I had an amazing weekend with some powerfully calming activities. A weekend where I felt free and felt a shift. A shift professionally, a shift in community, and a shift as a parent. I was able to be gone all weekend and not need a sitter. Didn’t have to check in to make sure Michai ate, was home by a certain time, and sober. That’s mainly because he worked the majority of the weekend and doesn’t let too much mess with his money 💁🏾🤭.

As I settled in to the fact that today is the start of the second half of the year, it set in that Michai is going to be 20 soon and, around the time of his birthday, he and his girlfriend will be moving in together. I had a lot of thoughts and feelings when he mentioned it weeks ago, however, I feel more at peace now that they’ve been approved for the apartment and it’s actually getting ready to happen.

The Baby Done Growed Up!

While I still have to repeat myself about some things 🙄, Michai continues to work towards what he deems important. I respect that and I respect him, mainly because his actions prove he’s actually been listening to me and those who’ve been imparting to him all these years. I’ve been paying attention to his engagement with Jayauna and see they continue to mature. They continue to evolve their communication styles. I did say I wanted them to create a contract (and get it notarized, per Desiree) that holds them accountable to each other because this is new territory for both. As time passes, life changes, and putting things in writing while everyone is in a good head space will increase their chances in being an amicable couple.

Now, I put on a good face when I see them boo’d up 😳🫢😏, and talk myself down after I put into perspective that they’re technically adults and finna be paying their own rent in their own space 🤷🏾. Not to mention, Michai’s dad reminds me of how things could be looking…describes what he was doing at Michai’s age, which ultimately makes me think about what I was doing, and I guess I should be grateful Michai feels comfortable at home. I guess 🙄.

Junior year, he’ll have a new address, with a new ‘roommate’, and I don’t think he’ll be coming back to this address to live. As someone who has invested so much and prepared for this day, I still feel the discomfort that change tends to offer.

Keep praying (only if your prayers are from a good place 💁🏾), because this world can be cruel. My baby is now a man who has his own thoughts and is responsible for his own decisions. I’m also the ‘mom of the son’, and we all know what that can mean. I’m learning to stay in my place and ask for permission before I offer my opinion 🫢.

Oh, Michai did well in his summer school class so pray he will do well this semester and not need summer school again because that tuition is not in the budget I’ve been asking to see. 🤦🏾


  1. Continued prayers for you, Michai and Jayquana. Living together is what this generation does and all you can do is keep them prayed up. My prayer life got more serious the older my children got. Love you all!!

  2. I’m so proud of our son. What a great job you have done raising him. No children until school is finished for both and “we” say “I do”.

  3. I am super PROUD of you as a Mother( knowing you would be the BEST @ it)…I’m just as PROUD of Michai in becoming the young man to be.
    He wilp certainly keep you PROUD~💜💜

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