Today’s Work Chronicles…

Yesterday took a lot out of me, so it was a while before I got moving. Michai never hears me say, “Fold the clothes in the dryer…wash the dishes before we go…we’re leaving in 20 minutes…” etc., yet he heard me mention to my sister, while he was “ear hustling,” I was thinking about taking him to the mall today. I told him we’d have to reschedule for Sunday and stopped to get him some food before going to work instead.

I could feel Michai looking at me after he opened the container with the collards. After we made eye contact, he said, “I trusted you to order them because you said they were good, but they don’t look like grandma’s.” I said, “They aren’t grandma’s, but they are good.” I almost wrecked when he said, “It feels like I’m chewing a leaf.” I said, “Well, greens ARE leaves.” He said, “No, like a leaf straight off of a tree.”

Get to work where staff is rushing around because a visitor has fallen outside. No one picks her up because it’s a liability. Got a call from the ER about the girlfriend who left Tuesday night with the verbally abusive boyfriend. Had to let the ER Nurse know she’s been gone 48 hours without her IV antibiotic. Learned that the nurse here was not trained on the process for patients who want to leave for extended periods of time. Are you still waiting to get those POA documents signed???

Back to the visitor who fell… A man came up and said, “My mother-in-law is the one who fell earlier. I’m going to get the car so I can take her ass back home where she belongs. Is it ok for me to park in the front for just a little while?” Me:😳…Uh. Yes

Michai let me know he’s gone to the mall to spend the lil’ change he got yesterday. I’ll keep y’all posted about how well he maintains these clothes vs. the ones I paid for. 🤔


  1. I will now be waiting patiently (maybe not patiently) for these posts every day!! And thank you I dont have to go on the book of faces to read ’em!

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