What Support Looks Like (for me)…

As seen in the picture with some of my Kijijiers yesterday, I’m “fortyish” now and I’ve been asked a couple of times whether I feel older? My responses have been layered since I didn’t have a true baseline last year because I was sick with Covid. What feels different for me this year is my level of support.

A few of my supporters…Becky is standing on the left and is a true accomplice. My big sister, Dina, is seated and has prayed and supported me since BIRTH. Saturday’s event wouldn’t have run as smoothly as it did without her. Desiree hasn’t been around that long but she remains heavy on her support and pressure and…she don’t play 👀. Standing on the right is Kesa…we’ve been friends since she was born and her support is sensible, logical, and unwavering.

I share a lot on this site and the vlog, and I continue to share a lot on Facebook. That can make people feel like they know me but surprisingly there isn’t a soul who knows everything about me. That doesn’t mean I’m not authentic or as transparent as I say I am, it just means I keep some things to myself…as everyone should. Even from what I do share, people SHOULD know my level of integrity and that I want everyone to win, so when I’m judged as I have been in the past and recently about who I am, how I operate as a person and as a parent, I’m interested in hearing the critique.

I’m okay with relationships ending, I just want them to end in truth which isn’t always possible since truth doesn’t show up the same for everyone. I also hate being misunderstood and/or lied on, but what these fortyish years continue to teach me is people will be people 🤷🏾‍♀️ and those who are for you will stick around.

Those people were present this weekend for the coloring party (were you there? 👀 ) and my birthday. Those people trust me with their ideas, time, and money. Those people send gifts to Michai without knowing him or only meeting him once or twice. Those people pray me through things. Those people call and text when their spirit leads them. Those people are open to conversations that challenge the norm, and while we may not agree, they don’t judge. Those people consistently schedule lunch/dinner dates… not to be nosey but for each of us to learn and grow. Those people tell me when I need a mint or I have something in my teeth. Frankly, those people SHOW UP!

Ultimately, we don’t get anywhere on our own and it has taken a whole lot of people to get me here. Some have passed, while others discovered I wasn’t their cup of tea/water/soda/wine/juice/kombucha/beer/licca. However, those who remain…THANK YOU! Thank you for the calls, texts, dinner/lunch dates, Facebook messages, cards, and gift cards. Even when y’all may not be 100% yourselves (like I don’t think my dad is since he called late last night from a 718# but didn’t fail to remind me of how old I am 🙄😒😩😂), you mustered the strength to offer a kind word and I thank you because that’s all I want my fortyish year’s and beyond to represent…kindness and support!

Everyone won’t get/like me or what I stand for and to them…👇🏾

And a reminder that…👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

As colored by Rwenshaun Miller, MA, LCMHC, NCC since I didn’t get to color my own. Let me add, a FEW guests selected this page 👀🫣😂

Because the work must continue…🤷🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️


  1. YOU ARE 100%+ INCREDIBLE and I’m SUPER PROUD of YOU!!! Too bad I’m just as introverted as you and quite a few years older. Always know that WE Love y’all and shall remember the entire Fulton/James families as our # ONE Village!!! Keep getting it Lil Sister. Success looks brilliant on YOU!!!

  2. You ARE FUCKING AWESOME and don’t be afraid to tell people to FUCK OFF!!! Love the work you’re doing, love you and the support is here to stay!!

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